KTH Wanapaksi profile

About Us

Map of Jatimulyo, Girimulyo, Kulon Progo, DIY subdistricts

Jatimulyo District, which is in the Menoreh Mountains, is administratively included in Kapanewon Girimulyo, Kulonprogo Regency, Special Region of Yogyakarta. The area is hilly and stretches at an altitude of 400-800 meters above sea level. Around 70% of the village area is community forest which consists of dozens of types of commodity plants and wild plants, making it rich in wildlife. One of the animal groups that is the favorite in Jatimulyo is birds.

Activities related to birds in Jatimulyo have been running for quite a long time. In the early 2000s, data collection on bird species in the Jatimulyo area was carried out by student groups from various universities in DIY. At this time, bird hunting in Jatimulyo was still very widespread. Hunting methods include taking saplings, lures, or nets. Hunters are not only residents of Jatimulyo,

Issuance of Village Regulation (Perdes) no. 8 of 2014 concerning Environmental Conservation became the momentum for the emergence of the bird conservation movement in Jatimulyo. One of the articles in the village regulation mandates the protection of all bird species in Jatimulyo through a hunting ban. This village regulation is purely an initiative of the Jatimulyo people themselves who are concerned about the disappearance of various types of birds which were previously quite easy to find.

The ban on bird hunting certainly has an impact on the economy of some Jatimulyo residents who depend on bird hunting for their living. This encouraged the emergence of ideas to foster alternative economic sources for affected residents.

In 2015, a coffee processing business unit was established which was started by Imam Taufiqurrahman, Sidiq Harjanto, and Kelik Suparno, named Kopi Distilled. This coffee processing business empowers former hunters. Distilled Coffee offers an increase in the selling price of coffee fruit from Rp. 2,000,- per kg to Rp. 6,000.- provided that the people of Jatimulyo are willing to process coffee in a good and correct way.

A Clanceng bee cultivation group was also formed with the aim of exploiting the potential of wild bees around where residents live. Klanceng cultivation is also aimed at diverting bird hunting so that residents get income from other sustainable sources.

In 2016, Distilled Coffee started the adoption of nests whose funds are obtained from a portion of the profits from coffee. Hunting prohibition signs were also installed at several strategic points. Distilled Coffee inspires residents to participate in conservation efforts. The former bird hunters were organized in a community called the Jatimulyo Bird Observer Society (MPBJ). This community runs a nest adoption program and protects birds from hunting.

As time went by, we often had guests from bird watchers and photographers and frequent visits from various agencies. To accommodate the growing activities, we agreed to form a formal group, namely the WANAPAKSI Forest Farmers Group, at the end of 2018, precisely on December 2 2018. With the formation of KTH, MPBJ and the beekeeping group merged into the KTH Wanapaksi organization. Our group currently has 57 members.

The Wanapaksi Forest Farmers Group (KTH) was born to provide solutions to institutional needs at the village level to increase the active role of the community in managing community forests in the Jatimulyo Village. The aim of this institution is to build the quality of shared prosperity for the present and future through environmental conservation activities and the development of various community forest-based businesses with a conservation perspective.

Bird conservation efforts that have been initiated in Jatimulyo have earned this village the nickname "Bird Friendly Village". In simple terms, a bird-friendly village can be defined as a village that cares about preserving birds and their habitat. A village where birds can live side by side with humans without disturbing each other.

The long road of the Jatimulyo Bird Friendly Village, Data from Sidiq Harjanto and Imam Taufiqurrahman.

There are three main prerequisites for the development of a bird-friendly village: (1) the village has a wealth of bird species and is well recognized by the community, (2) there is a joint agreement to conserve birds and their habitat in nature, and (3) there are continued utilization efforts sustainably regarding birds and their conservation efforts.

KTH Wanapaksi's activities utilize existing potential.

 Jatimulyo itself is blessed with more than 110 species of birds which are recorded as living in its community forest areas. The richness of this bird species is also balanced by people's knowledge about birds. This knowledge can be in the form of knowledge of species (based on local names), behavior, and cultural values ​​of certain types of birds.


Mutual agreement, village government, police, and Karang Taruna.

Village Regulation No. 08 of 2014 is a form of agreement at the village level in order to protect and preserve birds as one of the natural resources we have. Village regulations have the force of law so they are coercive, including for all Jatimulyo residents themselves.It cannot be denied that the ban on bird hunting in Jatimulyo has caused several residents to lose their livelihoods. Efforts to further utilize birds in nature are the next challenge. KTH Wanapaksi has tried to make a breakthrough in the form of bird-based ecotourism and nest adoption.

Basically, there are four main threats to the survival of species: overexploitation, habitat loss, the introduction of invasive species, and climate change. The most popular threat to the survival of birds in nature in Indonesia is hunting, so it falls into the first category. In the future, other threats to bird conservation, as mentioned above, also need attention.

An ideal bird-friendly village requires that all aspects of life in the village must ensure the preservation and welfare of birds in their natural habitat. For this reason, managing a bird-friendly village requires collaborative work. Multi-party, also multi-sector. Every element within the village needs to be empowered, taking on their respective roles. External support also needs to be managed.In simpler language, a bird-friendly village must be able to mobilize all elements of society in Jatimulyo District to practice forms of activities that are environmentally friendly, and pay attention to sustainability principles.

This program was designed to encourage the acceleration of the implementation of "Bird Friendly Villages" in Jatimulyo. The hope is that within the next five years, the Jatimulyo-style Bird Friendly Village idea can become a catalyst for sustainable development in the region.

Bird's Nest Adoption Scheme, in response to Village Regulation No. 08 of 2014.


1. Realization of KTH Wanapaksi which is independent and has a conservation perspective.

2. Preserve flora and fauna resources, preserve my water resources, make my village green and my community prosperous.


1.Conservation of flora and fauna in the Jatimulyo environment.

2. Promote conservation efforts, increase public awareness of the importance of conservation.

3. Develop forestry-based businesses as an effort to improve community welfare.

4. Establish cooperation/partnerships in preserving community forests and conservation.

Organizational structure

Dalam rangka mencapai tujuan sesuai visi dan misi KTH Wanapaksi, struktur organisasi memegang peranan penting yang tidak dapat diabaikan. Struktur organisasi di sini adalah kerangka yang terdiri dari bermacam-macam fungsi menurut pola tertentu yang menyatakan adanya urutan, peraturan, wewenang, dan tanggung jawab antara bagian yang ada dalam struktur orgasnisasi. Di bawah ini merupakan struktur organisasi KTH Wanapaksi periode 2024-2025 sesuai dengan AD-ART.

KTH Wanapaksi Age Class

No Data Found

Gender of KTH Wanapaksi Members

No Data Found

Achievements of KTH Wanapaksi

KTH Wanapaksi has shown that with strong determination and the right strategy, the work program can be achieved well.


  • Sunday Morning Community
  • Installation of Bird Friendly Village Signs
  • Educational tour packages
  • Coffee nursery


  • Expanding the scope of bird conservation
  • Registered group register
  • Processing local food production
  • Homestay management
  • Form a field team
  • Update adoption priorities


  • Homestay Group
  • SOP Adoption of bird nests
  • Rank 1 Kalpataru DIY
  • Bird watching competition


  • Say hello to the birds
  • Ramadan market
  • Formation of cooking groups
  • Establishment of thekthek patrols


  • Zgap
  • Kalpataru competition
  • Improving homestay management
  • Improving homestay management
  • Coffee nursery
  • Signpost updates and additions
  • YouTube channel and website


Dalam memajukan organisasi KTH Wanapaksi, tentunya harus menjalin kemitraan dengan pihak-pihak lain. Mitra kerja adalah salah satu kunci penting untuk mencapai kesuksesan. Mitra kerja adalah istitusi atau lembaga lain yang menjalin kerja sama saling menguntungkan dengan KTH Wanapaksi.